Monday, March 12, 2012

**One of my stories, Vladagascar nights: Vince and Madge, was published on the Every Night Erotica site

One of my for-mature-audiences vampire/sex-intense stories, Vladagascar nights: Vince and Madge, was published on the Every Night Erotica (ENE) site.

Vince and Madge is a loosely-linked sequel to Night burn, also published on ENE in September 2011, where a Stephenie Meyer-type writer encounters a vampire who takes exception to her fictionalized version of vampiredom.

Expect one more Vladagascar nights story before summer’s end, one that will wrap up the first story arc in my fanged-and-undead series; this upcoming (and final) Vladagascar nights story looks to be more plot oriented than Vince and Madge.

In the meantime, check out Vince and Madge!


  1. Thanks! It's not one of my better stories, but it's a link to two of my (hopefully) better stories. =)
