Wednesday, April 30, 2014

**One of my poems, Ephemeral, was republished in Leaves of Ink ezine

One of my older mainstream verseworks, Ephemeral, was published in the Leaves of Ink ezine today.  (Many thanks to editor Earl S. Wynn, a.k.a. E.S. Wynn, for this.)

This poem is about a man who misses hanging out with his ex-fiancĂ©e's imaginative son.  (Ephemeral was originally published in my 2011 single-author anthology Behind the wheel: selected poems under the title Ephemeral stepfather.)

Check this poem out!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

**One my mainstream poems, Berlin, 1944, was republished in Phantom Kangaroo magazine

One of my older mainstream poems, Berlin, 1944, was republished in issue 19 of Phantom Kangaroo magazine.    (Big thanks to editor Claudia Lamar for this.)

If you have the time and are so inclined, check this poem out!


This poem also appears in my 2012 single-author anthology Almost there: poems.  It was originally published on the Erotica Readers & Writers Association site in March 2002.