Friday, June 29, 2012

**Peter Baltensperger's Whispers was published in the Summer 2012 issue of Siren

Peter Baltensperger, whose Nocturnal Tableaux will grace this site in January 2013, has had another story published: Whispers.

Whispers, an entrancing erotic fever-dream of sorts, appears in the first issue of Siren, with other works worth noting, like Shanna Germain's warm, sweetly kink-ish F**k Knot (poem) and Vincent Francone's engaging Poem.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Review: The Jewel in The Moment, by Richard Cody

I reviewed Richard Cody's wonderful "haikuish" anthology The Jewel in The Moment on the Reading & Writing By Pub Light site.

Cody published two spooky stories on this site, as well: Alice and Lisa.

Cody, also the author of the horror anthology Darker Corners and the poetry anthology This is Not My Heart, is a writer whose work is worth reading - and owning.